Lure (Marko Delacroix #3) Read online

Page 12

  “Hunter.” Tessa rose from the bed and Marko went to grab her arm, but she swatted his touch away. “You’re hurt. I…hurt you.”

  I stayed quiet as I watched her features pull in.

  “I hurt you…a lot and I’m sorry. I don’t remember. I don’t know what’s happening to me.”

  “I know.” Sounds left me again as I limped to the bed and collapsed at the end. My head went down and I couldn’t stop the burning of my eyes. “He loves you. I love you. And you love us both. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Your vampire is out of control and I don’t know how to handle that.”

  “Then allow me,” Marko ground out. “I will spend the rest of my life taking care of her. I’ll make her happy, I promise you.”

  My glare couldn’t have been any more full of hate as I met his stare. “Shut…the fuck…up!”

  Tessa walked between us and came to me. As I looked up, I tried to sit up straight. With my wounds, I couldn’t. Nausea plagued me and stars danced before my eyes. Her small hand cupped my face and I closed my eyes, moving into the touch, regardless of being so pissed at her. Or more, that I should fear her.

  “Let me heal you. Yes?” Her features twisted while I watched her search for the words. “I’ll make you my slave, okay?”

  A sarcastic laugh vibrated my chest and my head shook as I opened my eyes. “You want me as your slave when you’ve already consented to be his concubine, despite the fact that all hell’s going to break loose when Sayer finds out? Not to mention, I never know who I’m getting with you. You’re so unstable.”

  “Sayer?” she repeated the name while her eyes scanned the room. “Do I…know him? I do, I think.”

  “Jesus,” I snapped my head to Marko, who was moving more toward the bottom of the bed. “Do you see what you’ve done? She doesn’t even know who Sayer is right now and you fucked her? How is that consensual?”

  Marko’s lips peeled back, revealing fangs. “I assure you, it was consensual. Tessa is more herself right now than she’ll ever be. You’re bleeding like a stuck pig and she hasn’t once tried to attack you, has she?”

  I blinked hard, looking back at her. “No. She hasn’t.”

  “Nor will she. My blood helps her. She can continue to be like this if she stays with me and keeps the regular feedings. I’m making her better. Stronger. Her English is getting clearer, too. She’s growing into who she’s meant to be with me.”

  “You just want her to continue so you can finalize the bond all over again.” There was no mistaking my rage. I clenched the rosary tighter as he stared at me.

  “I told you I wanted Tessa. Of course, I want to be bonded with her. And she wants it, too. I know you saw her give me her vein. Deep down, she wants me. Apparently, she still wants you as her slave.” He paused. “I’m willing to let her keep you if that’s what she chooses. But only as her friend and occasional supplier. Nothing more. I think that’s a term you might find to your liking more than you want to admit—especially after what you did to her.”

  All I could do was project my anger at him as Tessa lowered to her knees between my legs and rested her head in my lap. I was stroking the length of her hair before I realized it. My mind was taking me back to the one thing I couldn’t think about. Her screams began to echo in my ears and I could almost taste her pussy on my tongue all over again. Jesus, I’d never live that down.

  “Don’t listen, Hunter. I make decisions for my life. No one,” she paused, meeting his eyes, “will tell me what to do. Not even…him.”

  I laughed, raising my eyebrow to Marko. His face may have been devoid of emotion, but I knew he was hurt…and pissed. He couldn’t control her any more than Sayer. Tessa would rule. She’d show them all who their true leader was. But what would that mean for the two of us? I wasn’t even sure I could be with her physically anymore. I loved her, but sexually, I couldn’t even let myself go there.

  “Will you be his concubine?” I brought her face up until she was looking at me. The black tint was almost gone now, revealing the green shade of her eyes below. They were so light, I couldn’t help but take a few extra seconds to stare. God, she was beautiful. My question twisted my insides even more than the damage her claws had caused. I was torn on what I should do or feel.

  “I think…I should. Why?” Her head shook. “I feel for him. Here.” Small fingers pressed over her chest. “But…” she trailed off, obviously confused.

  “You have doubt. That means you have to wait. Do not rush into a decision you’re not sure of. You heard his terms. He will not share your love. Not physically, and I doubt emotionally. You will lose me if you accept his offer. It’s unfair for me to be subjected to that sort of life. You know this, don’t you?”

  A quick nod had her agreeing. “You be my slave. He will accept my terms.”

  Marko shifted behind her. He wanted to do something, say something, but he didn’t. The longer I took in her face, the more I let her words sink in. Tessa put herself over her leader. She knew what she was meant to do. It was in her blood, in her mind, even when nothing else was. She always knew. And she’d do it. I had no doubts. So was I safe giving myself to her that way? Would she love me and let me heal enough to try to love her again, like we were meant to? Or…was I doomed? No. I had to get over this. When she remembered what I did, surely she would understand. Sayer had given me his blood. I was drugged. Out of my mind when I’d forced my face between her legs. I had to try to have faith.

  “I’ll be your slave, but we should start now. While you’re still somewhat stable.”

  Tessa rose, sitting in my lap. Marko crossing his arms over his chest had me glancing up, but more so, I could watch him from my peripheral vision. Slowly, Tessa brought up her arm, staring down at the robe as if she were trying to feel out how to go about this.

  “Cut,” I whispered.

  “Yes,” she agreed. “You first. Just in case.” Shallow breaths left her as she pushed the sleeve of the robe up and stared down at her forearm. “If I…change and hurt you…” her eyes came back to meet mine, “kill me. Kill me…and leave. No looking back. No regret.” She moved her finger to the side of my head. “Remember this. If I ever become too much and become a…monster…kill me. Promise. I can’t…” A sniffle ended her words and I couldn’t turn away from the shock of what I was seeing. If I’d been unsure of who Tessa was in the moment, her words all but erased any doubt. This was my Tessa. The real Tessa.

  My hands went to her face and I leaned in, pressing my lips to hers. Wetness dampened my cheeks and I pulled back, wiping her tears away. “You’ve been so strong. I knew you were still here. You have my word. But let’s focus on us. Let’s start our future.”

  Tessa nodded, turning to Marko and switching to French. “If I change, you will stop me from hurting him.”

  Marko didn’t say a word as he gave her a hard look. I knew he didn’t like what was about to happen.

  “If you do not…” the threat was clear in her eyes.

  “You will what?” he said in English through clenched teeth. “You will kill me?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head and continuing. “There are worse ways to hurt someone than ending their life. I’ll make you suffer for an eternity. And even after that.” Her French flowed faster with every word and by the time she finished, Marko’s anger was finally shining prominently on his features. He’d thought he had her. That Tessa had been all his. He was wrong. He may have been able to trap her in the moment, but she would always come back to her true self. I just prayed the real Tessa would hurry up and stay for good.

  “Don’t threaten me, ma minette.” Marko didn’t have to say more. As the two kept each other’s eye contact, Tessa let her nail slice down her arm. Still, she stared at him as she let it rise to me. I gripped around her wrist, keeping my eyes on Marko as I brought the blood to my lips. Metallic flavor swept over my tongue and I forced myself to swallow. When the blood hit my throat, I literally felt the life within the source rush through my sy
stem with a speed that had me gripping her tighter. My pulse spiked with the force and the need to take in more warped my mind, leaving me sucking harder. But this time was different. She was sweeter. Deliciously addicting.

  I opened my mouth wider, running my tongue over the surface of the wound while she moaned. Within seconds, tightening clutched my stomach and I broke away, sucking in air. Tessa was looking at me now, her eyes already darkening with her vampire. As she began to straddle me, I let her. I wanted her on me, suddenly needed her want of me, more than I needed anything.

  “My turn,” she whispered.

  My arm was lifted and I knew she was going to cut me, too. I jerked out of her hold, clutching the back of her neck and yanking her face into my neck. I should have been afraid, but I didn’t fucking care about anything outside of what I knew she’d give me—what taunted me since Sayer sank his own weapons into me. And I didn’t have to wait. Fangs didn’t hesitate to pierce my skin. Death didn’t even present as a possibility. All I knew was needing her bite.

  “God,” I breathed out, wrapping my arm around her waist and pulling her pussy closer to me. At the rotation of her hips, my hand shoved under the robe to grab her ass. Fingers laced in my hair and my head was jerked back as I was met with Marko’s evil glare.

  “Hands off,” he growled.

  “Fuck you. Sit back and take a seat. Watch me fuck her like I watched you.”

  Nails extended and I couldn’t move as his hand blurred toward me. In slow motion, the claws got closer to my face, but I couldn’t stop him. Couldn’t think to react fast enough. Out of nowhere, Tessa’s hand shot out, catching his wrist. She was gone from me now. Off my lap and shoving her hands into his chest as she pushed him further into the room. French filled the room and I fought to decipher the language through my fog.

  “You dare try to harm what is mine?” Her hands connected over his pecs with brutal force, making him stagger back.

  “You are mine,” he corrected. “Mine! Not his. Not Sayer’s. Mine!”

  “Wrong. I am both of yours now. At least through one tie. Both. Accept.” She shoved him again, but his feet grounded and he stayed in place. “Accept,” she said more forcefully.

  Her arms shot up to push him again when she drew in, crashing to her knees. I felt the spasms the moment she did. They cramped in my stomach worse than anything I’d ever experienced before. My insides twisted and pulled until I was sure I’d be sick. I could feel my side tingling and I knew her blood was healing me, but I didn’t have the strength to check. I fell back on the bed and my lids heavily went down.

  It was starting. I’d be Tessa now—always. Even though it gave me a sense of relief, I couldn’t deny the fear associated with it. This was bigger than I could grasp and I was only just experiencing her true self breaking through her vampire. But what if what she ultimately became wasn’t what I wanted? What if she fell into Marko’s trap and I couldn’t stop her?

  I wasn’t so sure of that as he snarled and looked down at her with too many emotions for me to take in. Disgust? Pain? Betrayal all over again? He slammed the door, leaving her curled on the floor. And with his absence, I prayed this was finally our beginning.

  Chapter 17


  A little over four months old and although Tessa still had episodes common for a newborn, she was pulling through with shocking stability. She wouldn’t talk to me or acknowledge my presence since I’d refused to accept her keeping the two of us. I was back to square one concerning her and I was too stubborn to give in. I loved her, that was fact, but I couldn’t let her keep both of us for her pleasure. Not for a relationship like Sayer wanted.

  A slave to feed from, I could accept, but not a lover, too. That pushed the bounds of my vampire and I’d kill Hunter if I ever saw them together like that. It was best for all involved that I keep my distance—at least until she came around and saw how I’d changed. And she would, the more her vampire aged.

  My eyes went to the end of the meeting table to face Marie. Hunter had only thought he killed her and Bufar when he pierced them with that damn dagger. It had taken a good three days for both to bounce back, but they’d done it, with more contempt toward the human than ever. Marie’s dreams were increasing, but nothing was for sure, as they changed paths every day. The only thing certain was Sayer. He’d be back soon. Not only could she see it, but I’d gotten a message from Margo, a member of Axis, saying she was going to accompany the Master on the trip. Her interest in Tessa was no doubt piqued, as was the rest of the elders’.

  “Has the outcome changed on Sayer, Marie?” I leaned forward, resting my arms on the thick oak as I took in the nine members before me.

  “No,” she said confidently. “Sayer won’t budge, but Margo will rule in your favor. The Princess will stay.”

  I cringed, hating to hear her as that. But it was truth. With Sayer changing her and the title associated with him, she gained the nobility by her birth. She’d always have it, regardless of whether my blood took her over. It wasn’t like anyone would ever know…unless they tasted her blood and had either mine or Sayers to compare.

  “It’s settled then.” I continued, watching the all-too-bored faces begin to fade out in front of me. I swallowed hard, cursing the surging I’d only hoped had stopped with me taking the leadership role. “If there’s nothing else, we’re excused.”

  Marie shifted and her hand slowly rose. “There’s more to my dreams. Things I don’t like.”

  “Go on,” I said, pulling at my tie.

  “I’m not really sure how to put it into words, but I see lots of blood. I think something bad is going to happen. But my vision won’t allow me to see what it is.”

  I blinked slowly. “But you said everything works out in our favor? The community will get to keep Tessa?”

  “Well…yes. But, I can’t shake this feeling of something bad happening.”

  I shrugged. “If we don’t know, there’s nothing we can do about it. We’re just going to have to keep our eyes peeled to see if anything happens.”

  Silent nods had me standing and the others following. I waited until everyone was heading through the tunnel before I pulled the door closed behind me and stalked toward my room. It was Julius’s old room, bigger than the one I shared with Tessa. And it was adorned with everything she’d need for when the time came for her to be mine. I hated looking at it. Hating even having done it. As I swept in and took in the red silk sheets, it only reminded me of what I didn’t have. Darkness tinted my vision and I roared, grabbing a vase from the porcelain pedestal and smashing it against the wall.

  I’d been so fucking close. Then Hunter had shown up, ruining everything. Even with as much as I couldn’t stand it, I couldn’t deny that I was softening toward him. I could have killed him at any moment, yet I hadn’t. I allowed him to stay with the woman I loved. And it was all for her.

  What was I doing? I didn’t know anymore. I didn’t know anything.

  Knocking had territorial sounds leaving me and I spun around, swinging the barrier open. Hunter standing before me had my fangs lowering. I’d seen him a few times since I’d left Tessa that night, but he didn’t look any happier than he did now.

  “What?” My harsh tone earned me a glare, but he couldn’t hide the fear pouring off him. It mixed sweetly with Tessa’s blood and perfumed the air so intoxicatingly, I felt the monster within flare to life for her.

  “She’s gone. I woke up and Tessa’s not in the room. I’ve looked everywhere. In the shops…tunnels…I didn’t know who else to go to.”

  My jaw clenched and I took a deep breath, trying to calm. If it wasn’t one thing within the community, it was something else. And that something usually revolved around her. I was getting frustrated. If she would have been with me, none of this would be happening.

  “Didn’t you restrain her?”

  “For what? Tessa hasn’t shown any signs of aggression in over a week. Even before, they were only mild. Growls, so forth. But she hasn’t
attempted to harm me once. Quite the opposite, actually.”

  I walked into the tunnel, slamming my door behind me. The illumination of the flashlight caused me to shake my head. I couldn’t do this right now. I couldn’t even control my own damn self. But I had to. I was the leader. This was my responsibility. She was my responsibility.

  “Listen, I wouldn’t have come to you if I didn’t have to. Do you really think I like seeing your face?”

  I spun, my hand going for his throat, only to jerk to a stop at the rosary resting on his neck. It made me hiss and forced me to take a step back. The flashlight rose and my eyes squinted at the light.

  “Hunter, now is not the time to push my buttons.”

  “Why, because you’re going through the same thing as her? Your eyes are black, Marko. More so than I’ve seen in a very long time. Can I expect some massive killing spree from you, too?”

  A laugh left me as I continued walking. “Let’s hope not,” I mumbled under my breath. “The world would never be the same.”

  The illumination from the heart of the city had me lowering my lids even more and I came to a stop, closing my eyes and feeling for Tessa. As I opened up our connection, thoughts invaded my mind. I’d done my best to leave her alone, but just feeling her again opened the wounds caused by her decision over Hunter. When she had told me she’d be my concubine, I’d never felt happier. Then, she’d tied up with him. It was like a slap in the face with a brick. The hate I harbored for him grew to heights I couldn’t ever remember feeling. I’d left, destroying everything in my path so I wouldn’t kill the fucking human. Even now, I knew I could, but the time apart had made things fade. I just felt tired. Exhausted.

  Music filtered through and the base I heard vibrated my insides. My eyes snapped opened and I headed for the hall leading to The Craze, our underground vampire club.