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Gaige Page 15

  I moved to the side of the door, pulling back the curtain to the window that rested beside it. My chest locked up and I cursed under my breath. Not now.

  More knocking. I pushed the gun at my back and opened the door. David barged through, his dark glasses coming to set on top of his head as he pulled the jacket of his suit down and looked around.

  “Where is she?”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Elle Tanner? Where is she?”

  A door sounded and I gritted my teeth as she eased out, the red dress already back on.

  “There she is. Time to pack up, Ms. Tanner. You’re going to have to come with me.”

  “Wait, what?” I moved in her direction, placing myself in between us. “Elle has orders to stay here with me.” They weren’t official, but my boss knew she was here and had been fine with it.

  David moved to the side, waving his hand toward her. “Do you have anything you want to take? Clothes, a toothbrush?”

  “I don’t want to go,” she said, quietly from behind me. Although I wanted to turn around, I wasn’t about to take my eyes off of the agent. Shared status or not, I trusted no one.

  “Elle, go to your room and call Mr. Viceroy. Get him on the phone and bring it to me.”

  Shuffling sounded behind me and I knew she was gone. “What’s this about? You don’t show up unless you have orders for me, so what is it? Are you here just to take her or they sending me somewhere?”

  “I’m just here for her.” He looked behind me, moving to the side. I didn’t want him anywhere near her. Although we’d had a good working relationship, I knew nothing about him.

  “Here,” Elle sounded from behind me and I put my arm out making her stay back as I reached for the phone.

  I brought it to my ear just in time for the ringing to stop and my boss’s voice to answer.

  “Sullivan here. I have Agent Mathis in my living room. He’s saying Ms. Tanner is supposed to leave with him. Do you know anything about this?”

  He took a deep breath. “Word is, you’re not mentally suited to care for her anymore.”

  “Excuse me?” I snapped. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I get updates on her status. Her therapist happens to think her environment isn’t the best for her wellbeing. It was a hard call being as you’re really the only person she knows, but I have to go with what’s best for Ms. Tanner. If her therapist doesn’t happen to think that’s you, I have to remove her, Sullivan. You know how this works.”

  My fist clenched. I could have wrung Patricia’s neck. The woman was always about the duty to her job. If she thought I was so bad, why had she told me to be persistent? Egged me on?

  “Elle is behind me. David has his eyes on her. There will be no interference from me. I’m going to hand her the phone. Ask her, yourself, if she doesn’t want to be here. Let her decide. But I assure you, her wellbeing is perfectly fine. We had a bad morning. It’s over now. She’s better.”

  The line got quiet and I didn’t even look at Elle as I lifted my arm back and let her take the phone. Footsteps sounded as she disappeared. Fuck, I couldn’t breathe. If she got in the system, they’d hide her location from me. I might never see her again. The thought was unbearable. For years, I had wished to find her. It may have been for all the wrong reasons, but if she disappeared again…

  Agent Mathis titled his head, his mouth twitching just the smallest amount. “She’s very pretty. I can see why you did it.”

  “Did what?” I glared, not about to fall into any trap.

  “Got involved with her. I mean, I don’t think I’d make that mistake, but maybe if the circumstances were right. Say, like maybe she came on to me and—”

  My hand came up, cutting him off. “Enough. She didn’t come on to me.”

  Banging had me glancing back. I took a few steps toward the hallway, but didn’t turn my back on David. Sweat was starting to drench my shirt. The soft tone of her voice carried out, but I couldn’t make out the words.

  “You must really have a thing for her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so worked up. You’re like an attack dog waiting for me to get around your owner. Is that what she is, Sullivan? Your master?” David walked to the sofa, collapsing down like he was at home. I looked back toward her room, ignoring him.

  What sounded like a drawer opened and my blood turned cold.

  “Elle.” I was torn to go check on her or keep my eyes on the one person who’d come to take her away. Another drawer, or the first one closing. My foot slid a little more back and I shifted, trying to see through the opened door.

  “Alright.” Elle walked out of the room, slowing at seeing me standing so close. She eased past, handing the phone to David. Not once did she meet my eyes. The weight at my back became all too clear as I could see him taking her. I couldn’t let it happen. I wouldn’t. The chance of me never seeing her again was too great.

  David stood, his face unreadable. From the sharp angle of his nose, to the tight line of his thin lips. Nothing so much as twitched or moved. I stepped closer to Elle, ready to grab her if he so much as got too close.

  “Yes, boss.” He hung up, tossing me the phone. “See you around, Sullivan. Pleasure meeting you, Ms. Tanner.” He turned to the door and my legs felt weak as I followed and reset the alarm behind him.

  “Jesus.” I leaned against the wooden surface, my eyes taking in Elle’s nervous posture. Her hands were interlocked in front of her and her head was slightly lowered. I shook my head, not able to believe what had just happened. “I was so sure they were going to try to take you.”

  She took a step back, her body relaxing a little. ‘They were going to until I convinced your boss that what happened this morning was a misunderstanding. He still wanted me to go, but I told him he’d save himself a lot of trouble by letting me stay.”

  I rushed forward and pulled her into my arms. “I wouldn’t have let them take you either way. I don’t care what anyone says, you’re mine now, Elle. Mine, do you hear me?”

  “Do I have a say in this?” Her eyes scanned over my face, more curious than concerned. As I looked into her depths, I pulled her into me even closer.

  “No. You made that decision when you chose me over the chance to leave. From now on, it’s me and you, and I’ll do anything to keep it that way.”

  Chapter 12


  “Smile.” My voice dragged out as I flashed my teeth and leaned my head closer to Gaige. As I pushed the button, he leaned in, pressing his lips to my cheek. It made me laugh harder and I turned, pushing myself into him as I kissed him back. I clicked the button again, wanting to capture just how happy we were. It’d been a long six months full of ups and downs, but everything had turned out perfectly so far and the memories we were making were slowly being added around the house. Gaige didn’t miss an opportunity to fill the walls with our smiles, and I had to admit, his place had really begun to feel like my home. Our home.

  Carson wasn’t ever far from my mind, but it was more of a peaceful feeling when I thought back on our good times. I knew he would approve of how far Gaige and I had come and our relationship together. Although the pain surrounding my abduction hadn’t disappeared, it had decreased considerably, and that was all thanks to Gaige. He didn’t ever get upset when I mentioned his brother. He actually encouraged me to talk about it. I loved my new life. Loved how he made me feel safe and adored at the same time.

  “These came out great.” Gaige flipped through the pictures, the snowcapped mountains in the background surrounding us. Lake Tahoe was beautiful and the surprise had been perfect for our six month anniversary. At the three month mark, I’d actually been taken to the opera in San Francisco. Every three months, Gaige planned my surprise, and each time he told me to guess, I was wrong. But I liked that he picked something I would have never thought of. It kept me on my toes and I looked forward to our future.

  “Mom, will love this one.” He smiled as he flashed the one of him kissing my chee
k and me laughing. It really was a great picture. My cheeks were rosy from the cold and my now light brown hair stuck out from the pink and white beanie. There was a slight growth on Gaige’s cheeks and his dark glasses and jacket made him look sexy as hell.

  My stomach growled, breaking his concentration. He looked at his watch. “Lunch time. Damn, weren’t we just eating breakfast?”

  I grabbed his hand and stood, my legs still aching from the two days of skiing he’d talked me into. As a beginner, I hadn’t known what I was in for. Next time, I wouldn’t underestimate the difficulty.

  “Oh, God, I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk right for a week,” I groaned as we moved the side of the hill.

  “Hey, you’re supposed to say that after I get hold of you. If the damn skis beat me out, I have some serious work to do tonight.”

  I laughed, nudging my shoulder into him. “If I remember correctly, I was sore before we got here, so I’m sure the skiing didn’t help. Of course, if you’d like to try anyway,” I moved in closer, pulling at his jacket so he’d lean down. “The crop is in my suitcase.”

  Gaige’s head spun to me and I was in his arms before I could suggest we eat first. He jogged down the side of the hill until the retreat’s main entrance came into view. Slowing to a walk, he swung my legs down, but kept me close as we began walking up the steps.

  “You didn’t tell me you brought it. Fuck, that makes me hot. I didn’t think you cared much for it. You seem more partial to the spankings than the hardcore stuff.”

  Had he thought that? Well, I couldn’t blame him for thinking so. I’d held back more than I should have, but not anymore. I wanted him to embrace who he truly was. I had.

  “I brought the butt plug and nipple clamps, too.”

  Gaige came to a stop at the top step and stared down at me, almost in awe. I blushed and looked down, smiling. His finger settled under my chin and he lifted my face back up. “I love you. I really do.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The taste of his mouth swept through me and I clung to him tighter, my body forgetting food and craving nothing but him. There was something about Gaige that captured my heart completely. Whether it was the way he held on to the back of my neck as he kissed me or the way his hands gripped my clothes at my lower back that showed me he couldn’t get enough, I just wasn’t sure. All I knew was how happy he’d made me these last few months and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.

  “Let’s go to our room. I want to show you just how good I can make you feel.” His teeth pulled at my lip and I moaned as he stepped back. As we turned, the ground fell from beneath my feet. Not five feet away, my worst nightmare was glaring right at us, his eyes narrowed, his chest heaving from the deep and heavy breaths. If his look could have killed, I would have been lying dead on the wooden deck of the resort, covered in blood.

  Fingers bit into my arm as I was pulled to the other side of Gaige and swept right past Marco into the lobby. He was pulling out his phone as he led me to the main staircase. My numb legs couldn’t carry me up the steps fast enough, but I pushed them harder anyway, looking back to make sure he wasn’t following. Through the large glass doors, I could see two men approach him. He looked back in our direction. Although his mouth moved, I couldn’t understand what he was saying.

  “Why the fuck wasn’t I called on Marco Garza’s whereabouts? I should have been notified when he crossed the border.”

  A deep voice hummed in the background, but I didn’t pay it any attention as we entered the hall and I raced for the room. We had to get our stuff and leave. Would he try to take me? Attempt to track us down?

  Tears pooled in my eyes as my brain swam with questions I didn’t have the answers for. Bile burned the back of my throat and I pushed my body into the door as Gaige inserted the key card, desperate to get in before I got sick in the hallway.

  The light turned green and I pushed the handle, breaking into a full sprint. I barely made it through the door and into the restroom before my stomach expelled all of its contents. Gaige was holding back my hair and still yelling, but all I heard was my roaring pulse in my ears deafening me to everything but the tension that threatened to made me sick again. For what felt like hours passed and I fought to gain back control.

  My hand shakily reached up and flushed even though I wasn’t sure I was done. Sweat was coating my skin and I stood, Gaige already helping me take the jacket off. The phone was nowhere to be seen and I had no clue how long he’d been off of it.

  “Deep breaths, Elle. We’re going to get you out of here, okay? I have a man who’s only an hour away. He’ll follow us home, make sure we’re not being followed.”

  “Home?” My head shook and I reached over for my toothbrush. “We have to leave, Gaige. We have to get as far away as we can. We can’t go home.”

  I applied the toothpaste and went to quick work while he rubbed his hand down his face.

  “Home is the safest place for us to be. We’re armed, protected in more ways that you know. Marco may know we’re together, but he won’t ever find us. My house isn’t registered under my real name, or even the one I gave him. You have nothing to worry about. We’re okay. Think, Elle. He won’t do anything stupid. With all of the raids on his properties lately, he has to know he’s being watched.”

  God, I prayed he was right. If Marco somehow did a repeat of before…he’d have to kill me. I’d literally go crazy. His life would be on the line at my every waking moment. He wasn’t going to take someone I loved away from me again.

  I rinsed out my mouth and then my face, patting it down as I gathered my wits. I was stronger than this. Patricia had shown me that. If I could just calm and regroup my mind, I’d be okay. It was the shock of seeing him. There was no warning. Now I knew to always be prepared. If I was, I wouldn’t be surprised. But, could I live like that? Always on guard?

  Gaige pulled me into his chest and I closed my eyes, letting how much we loved each other sink in. He was right about going home. Trust was key and I had to follow his lead in every aspect. This was his job. He knew what he was doing.

  “We should pack our stuff.” I looked up, catching his nod. As he led me into the large room, we quietly gathered the clothes and shoes, putting them in the bags. We dressed in new outfits so we weren’t wearing the same thing Marco had seen us in before. Nothing was said until we were finished and he led me to the bed where he laid behind me and held on tight.

  “I won’t let him take you again. You believe me, don’t you?”

  My stare had me looking toward the bathroom, but I saw nothing but the anger on Marco’s face. “I believe you.”

  “No one will ever hurt you again. You have my word. I’ll kill him, Elle. He won’t even get close to having you back under his control.”

  I knew he meant it, but I didn’t trust that Marco wouldn’t fight dirty. I’d seen what he was capable of when people crossed him. The memories of the horrors I had witnessed would always be there in the background, surfacing at times when I’d least expect them.

  Gaige’s arms tightened around me and I closed my eyes. What felt like only minutes passed before there was a knock on the door. My whole body jerked as I flew to a sitting position.

  “Shh, you were asleep. It’s just our agent.” Gaige’s hand stoked down my arm and he stood, grabbing his gun from the bedside table. He looked through the peephole and eased the door open. “We’ll be right out. Elle,” he rushed over, stopping me from picking up the bag, “listen to me close. Hair up in your beanie. Glasses on. Head lowered.”

  “Got it.” I grabbed my hat, twisting my hair up and sliding it on. My glasses were on the table and I put them on too. Gaige grabbed the bags and flung them over his shoulder before wrapping the other arm around my shoulders and leading us just outside the door.

  “Tail behind. If we’re being followed at any point, call. My phone is on vibrate. I’ll feel it.” He swept us past the agent who was wearing a dark puffy jacket and pants. He looked like
any other person here to ski.

  As we made our way down the stairs, I followed his commands. I kept my head down and stayed close to him. But that didn’t mean I didn’t scan the large room. A fireplace burned in the corner and a few people sat on a sofa and large chairs. They laughed and their conversation kept going as I moved to look around the gift shop area. Although there were people crowded around, no one looked familiar.

  Cold air blasted our faces as we headed out the big doors. If Marco was around, I didn’t see him. Our walk to the truck took only a few minutes. The moment I got in, relief flooded me. Gaige jogged around the front and jumped into the driver’s seat.

  “Don’t take off your hat or glasses until I say.”

  I nodded as he started the truck, continuing to take in the area. The sun was still high in the sky and I knew it would be for another few hours. I hated leaving. Hated that all those wonderful pictures and memories we had made were now going to be tainted with Marco’s presence.

  Music played softly in the background, but I tuned it out as we headed down the road. Gaige constantly checked his mirrors, always alert and observing everything, but I let myself disappear from the surroundings. I didn’t want our anniversary to end like this. To be overshadowed by my past.

  My mind worked, coming up with a plan as the hours stretched out. Although Gaige got on the phone two separate times, I refused to try to decipher what the conversations were about. I knew no one was following, and that was the main thing I cared about.

  A little after three hours, we pulled into Napa and were home shortly thereafter. Gaige walked out of the opened garage to speak with the agent while I went inside. It was perfect for my plan. I headed to my old room, which was now our playroom, and stripped off my clothes as fast as I could. The dresser was gone, but all of the lingerie Gaige had bought me was in the closet. I slid on a black corset, thong, and black stockings, squaring it away with a pair of four inch stilettos. The door shut just as I sat down on the edge of the bed.