SLADE: Captive to the Dark Read online

Page 17

  Thomas looked over. “Yes.”

  “Truth,” Brace’s voice was quiet, almost inaudible.

  I continued to set up a baseline. This wasn’t my first experiment with polys. “Are we in San Francisco?”


  Brace shifted his feet as he looked down. “Truth.” He gave me a thumbs up, the indication that we were ready.

  “All right, Thomas. Besides Mary, have you ever raped another minor with force from yourself or an object of any kind?”

  He closed his eyes. “No.” The monotone response had me turning to Brace. The way his eyes narrowed as he looked down at the machine had me clenching my jaw.

  “Lie.” The malice in Brace’s tone held no self-doubt.

  Mary stepped forward, but I lifted my arm, holding her back. “Thomas, have you raped more than five minors during your life?”


  A few seconds went by and Brace’s voice filled the room. “Lie.”

  Mary’s hand gripped to my forearm, tightly. I continued, reining in the need to let my monster free. Fuck I was going to enjoy filleting this motherfucker alive. “Have you raped more than ten minors in your life?”

  “No,” Thomas growled.

  “Fucking liar.” Brace’s voice deepened and he took a step away from the machine. At the shake of my head, he returned, but I could see the darkness in his stare. We were all alike when it came to innocence of others. That’s what had brought us all together and made us the team we were. We wanted justice and we weren’t afraid to get bloody to make it happen.

  My grip tightened on the knife. “This isn’t really a question, but enlighten me, Thomas. How many women have you raped?”

  A laugh came from his mouth. “You people are so clueless.” He turned his head toward me and Mary. “Get this shit over with. Kill me if that’s your intent. I don’t give a shit anymore.”

  “No? Wow. I think I’ll take off two fingers for that answer.”

  He lifted his head in a panic. “Don’t. Wait.”

  I paused.

  “We deal with sex slaves for fucking crying out loud. I can’t give you a number because I don’t know. We rape them all. It’s a welcome to the damn life, initiation. We’ve been doing this for years.”

  Pure artic ice froze my insides. “You rape all of them.” It wasn’t a question, and I knew the moment he realized his mistake.

  “No. Wait.” He shook his head back and forth frantically. “I didn’t rape your sister.”

  “Lie,” Brace gritted out.

  I reached out, squeezing his cock with one hand and slamming the ball gag in his mouth with the other. Mary reached out, holding it in with all her weight. The muffled sounds coming from him disappeared as all sound drained from my ears. No swift satisfaction. I took my time, sawing the weapon off of him with slow movements.

  The smell of vomit perfumed the room and I wasn’t sure if it was Thomas or Mary, but I couldn’t stop until I was done. This pedophile raped Mary, my sister, Lily—there was no telling how many others. He didn’t deserve to live, none of them did.

  “Marcio.” I turned to see him already ready to cauterize the wound. Blood coated my hands as I stepped back and held up his dick for him to see. “You’re going to die tonight, Thomas. Very slowly. And very, very painfully.” Tears streamed down his face and he’d clearly been sick. The gag was lying next to him and it’d only just dawned on me that he was sobbing. I tossed his cock in the trashcan at the bottom of the crate, right where it belonged. Movement to the side made my heart pulse harder. I risked a look at Mary, afraid of what emotion I was going to find staring back at me.

  There was no judgment. No revulsion. She took a step toward me and kneeled at my feet, right in her rapist’s blood. Finger’s clutched to my thigh, and she rested her forehead just above my knee. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  The two words, so quiet, was the only thing Mary said before she stood and left the room. Her absence caused Thomas to thrash on the bed, wildly. Maybe he thought with her being there he’d live. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but one thing was clear. As our eyes met, he knew the words I spoke earlier were true. The fear poured from him and I fed with everything I had. Thomas would die tonight, but not until I was good and satisfied that he’d paid for his crimes.

  Chapter 16


  “You’re engaged?” Christopher, Slade’s friend, stared at the two of us for what felt like forever. His mouth closed and he shook his head. “I’d heard on the news this morning, but I just couldn’t believe it. Not even when I watched you declare your engagement right there for everyone to see. I figured it was a joke, aimed at the media for hounding you. For crying out loud, you said you were bringing your date. Not your fiancée.”

  One of Slade’s eyebrows rose. “She wasn’t my fiancée then. Thanks for the congratulations, by the way.”

  “You know I’m happy for you. Just shocked, is all.”

  Slade took a drink of his Scotch and reached over, lacing his fingers through mine, right there on the table. Butterflies accompanied with nausea swirled in my stomach and I wasn’t sure if it was the huge rock on my finger or how Slade’s public display of affection had no bounds. He’d kissed me a million times since we’d left the penthouse and I couldn’t get over how completely different he seemed. He was happy. Almost normal. Which was odd given what I’d seen last night. Apparently, there were no demons lingering from what he’d done, which didn’t bother me. Thomas had gotten what he deserved. Not that I’d stayed around to see the whole thing. I’d laid in bed until almost four in the morning, waiting for Slade. When he didn’t show, I finally drifted off.

  At nine, I awoke to kissing down my neck. If he’d been soaked in Thomas blood shortly before that, I didn’t know. When I opened my eyes, he was showered, his hair still slightly damp, and he was dressed in a dark blue suit. The clean shaven face had given me pause. He’d let the growth linger since I’d met him, shaving it just enough to leave stubble. But now, looking at this man before me, smiling, holding my hand, I knew why the girls were crazy over him. He was beautiful, yet manly enough to get your juices flowing. Fuck, I wanted him. Again. As if he hadn’t finger-fucked me good enough this morning.

  “Well, I can’t say I’m not happy for you. It’s about damn time. Just wish you would have told me before the damn world.”

  “It was short notice. I’d only just proposed. You can say I got excited and the media picked the perfect time to show up at my place.”

  I let them go on, talking about their thing. The engagement led to the future, which apparently held a house, if I’d heard Slade correctly. Then that led to business. I completely lost myself in thought at that point. My eyes drifted to my lap, taking in the black slacks. The cream colored silk shirt I wore had a high neckline with slits down the long sleeves, exposing my arms to just a little above my elbows. It was very stylish and something I wouldn’t have dreamed of buying for myself, but I couldn’t deny that I loved the way it looked. Slade said I was a new person as he clasped the diamond necklace around my neck. Looking at myself in the mirror with my hair pulled back and curls resting on the top, I almost believed him.

  “All right.” The tapping from Slade’s finger on the glass pulled me out of my thoughts. His eyes were narrowed while he stared down, and I could tell he was deep in thought. “Drop Chrastin, let’s test out Nelson Corporation before we decide to go for it.”

  “Wise move. I’m going to have to agree. Chrastin’s not working. Nelson’s has potential though. I can see that move playing out.”

  I didn’t have a clue what they were talking about and I wasn’t sure I wanted to. Anything having to do with Slade’s life or business didn’t involve me. I wouldn’t be here much longer, although being with him was starting to grow on me. Well, more than grow. The realization that my once comforting routine would go back to the boring norm after this was crushing. Even my erotic haven I once cherished didn’t hold any appeal.
br />   Movement had my eyes lifting and I scanned the busy restaurant. The place was fancy, but definitely catered more to the business class. No lovey-dovey couples here. Just rich suits and fancy corporate apparel lined the oak chairs.

  “It will work.” Slade pushed back in his chair. “If that’s all, Mary and I have errands to run.”

  “Errands?” Christopher laughed. “You have people for that. What could you possibly need that someone isn’t already doing for you?”

  Slade held out his hand and I took it. We both stood. What I thought would be annoyance coming from Slade, was anything but. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close.

  “Mary and I have a wedding to plan. This is the only one I’ll ever have so things will get taken care of my way.”

  Christopher burst out laughing. “Shouldn’t Mary be saying that? You’re growing soft, Slade.”

  “Fuck you. Underestimating me would be a mistake. Call me when you get everything set up.”

  I was whisked from the table so fast, I was having a hard time keeping up. The moment we broke through the doors, I pulled back, trying to slow him. “Where are we going?”

  Slade brought me back to his side. “Afraid I was telling the truth? I saw your face, slave. You were scared out of your mind at the thought that we were really going wedding shopping. Actually, I had something different in mind.” We began walking and I relaxed against him. What could I say? He was telling the truth. Anything having to do with marriage was the last thing I wanted. It was a stark reminder of my father’s wishes.

  “I thought maybe we’d go down to the pier and watch the seals. We could grab some candy and just sit back and relax. What do you say?”

  My steps faltered causing us to come to a stop. I couldn’t stop the big smile that appeared. “Really?”

  Slade mirrored my reaction. “I told you I was going to get to know you. What better way than that? Just me, you, the seals, and a bag of sweet treats.” Something passed over his face and I titled my head.

  “You’re hiding something.”

  “I am not.” His mouth twisted. “Not entirely. This is just new for me, Mary. I’ve never really tried to woo a woman before. Woo.” He laughed. “I want you to have fun. To fall for me. Is that so bad?”

  I had to give him points for trying. Didn’t he just see that this wasn’t going to work, though? The sex was great. But we led completely different lives. In the real world, we would have never even looked twice at each other. Well, maybe I would have looked at him, but he wouldn’t have noticed me if I was the only female in the room. That was probably an over exaggeration, but still. He wouldn’t have been interested.

  “Fun.” I laughed. “I have that reading. Why don’t you talk to me instead? You watched me for a month. Tell me what you saw.”

  People rushed by while we stood a few stores down from the restaurant. He led me across the street to a small little park area nestled with businessmen and women that appeared to be taking a break for lunch. Some ate food they’d brought with them, while others looked to have gotten items from the food truck that’d been parked down the street.

  A fountain rested in the middle of the surrounding chaos from the business district, yet, here, it was calm. Soothing. We sat on the bench and I looked around realizing I’d never spent much time this part of the city. It was nice. So much different than China Town where I frequented.

  My mind raced. Gently, his finger brought my face back to him. How did Slade really see me? A part of me had to know. Was it just the fact that he could be his worst in bed and I would embrace it? Or was there something more? I had no doubt he could find someone willing to go just as far as me. It wouldn’t be hard. My biggest fear was that I’d give into this fake engagement and it’d lead to nowhere. My heart would attach to only him and he’d find some model-type, ready and willing to have the life choked out of her. Then, he’d be gone.

  Slade grabbed my hands, holding them firmly. My heart was already aching. A part of me was already his, or at least more than I wanted to admit. Fuck. What a mess we were both in.

  “Sadness. That’s what I saw when I watched you. You went to work. Smiled at everyone. But the heaviness you held couldn’t be hidden. Every day I thought I’d see a change. A new Mary Hagen would come to light, with a spring in her step, and enough bubbly personality to bring back my need to hurt Victor by hurting her.” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to fall for you, Mary. For fuck sakes, I had every intention of selling you off if I didn’t get my sister back. But the more I watched, the more I was taken over. Trust me, I tried to not let myself get attached. Then, you came into my home, fighting and embracing the pain I gave. Shit. I hadn’t been expecting that. I thought you’d be frantic. Afraid.” He sighed. “I just ended up wanting you even more when you got wet at my touch. Slave, I was lost to you in that moment. Why do you think it took me days to even talk to you after that?”

  God, he was telling the truth. My stomach dropped and the all too familiar twisting sent me to a nausea induced panic. I took a deep breath, willing for words to come. For some reply that would be true of feelings I couldn’t even express.


  I turned at the sound of Jordan’s voice. Slade was instantly to his feet. The dark suit didn’t match well with the black eye. I cringed and stood, noticing he was carrying a briefcase. He was a lawyer. I should have known he’d be around the area for work.

  “Hello, Jordan.” I clasped my hands in front of me, praying he didn’t see me shaking. After last night, who knew what he thought? My secret rape had been exposed. I could somewhat remember through haziness his anger at finding out.

  “Tell me it isn’t true. You’re not marrying him, are you?” Jordan paid Slade no notice as he walked around to get more in front of me. My eyes scanned the area. I wasn’t naïve to know that we weren’t being watched. There were probably people all around just waiting for a new story to report on.

  I stepped in closer, lowering my voice. “Can we talk about this some other time? Somewhere private?”

  “Mary, answer my question.” Jordan’s voice softened.

  Trust. Slade’s words echoed back in my head about this working to get Lily back. Would it really? I’d never know if I didn’t play the part. An arm came around my shoulder and Slade pulled me into his side. I wanted to elbow him. The only reason he was doing this was to stick it in Jordan’s face even more. It pissed me off.

  “I am, Jordan. I think it would be best.”

  Those eyes that pulled me to him to begin with darkened as they narrowed. Jordan shook his head while clenching his jaw. “You don’t want this. I can see it all over your face. For the best, my ass. He’s making you do this.”

  “No different than my father trying to make me marry you,” I bit out.

  “It was my decision, Mary. I wanted to marry you, damnit! I still do.” He held out his hand. “Come with me. We’ll leave this place. Lily’s already on a flight back. She’ll get to Slade by tomorrow morning. I promise you. We can even be there when she arrives. That way you can see for yourself.”

  Slade slapped Jordan’s hand to the side. What once sounded like a loud city seemed to grow dead silent. My eyes scanned the area noticing people watching. Cars rushed by, but I didn’t hear them. Didn’t hear anything. Run. Do it, Mary. Just run and don’t stop.

  “She’s not leaving anywhere with you. Mary’s still mine until I see my sister. Most likely even after that since we’re engaged.” The word came out as if it were only obvious. Jordan continued to ignore him. His eyes were only for me. I had to give it to him, he didn’t let anyone push him around. Even someone as powerful as Slade.

  The briefcase lowered to the ground and he came around, sitting on the bench. He patted the spot next to him. “Sit with me, Mary. Let’s talk.”

  “Are you insane?” Slade said, turning us to face him. “She—

  “Can make up her mind,” I said, stepping away and joining him on the bench. “N
ow sit, Slade, before we end up on the news again. If we’re going to be engaged you have to realize that I can think for myself.”

  The shock on his face didn’t sit well. I knew I was going to be punished for standing up to him, especially in front of Jordan, but I didn’t care. He needed to see that I decided what I wanted. Plus, the punishment did appeal.

  It took a few seconds but Slade actually acquiesced. The three of us barely fit on the small bench. My master’s arm pulled me into his side and he held on tight. I hid my smile and faced Jordan. “What is it you want to talk about?”

  “Your fiancé’s plans are screwing things up. Taking Thomas I can understand. I would have done the same thing. Your father though, he was livid, Mary. Apparently Thomas knew things that Victor didn’t want getting out.” His attention went to Slade. “You have any idea what he might have been referring to?”

  “I might. Thomas said a lot of interesting things before I cut him to pieces.” Slade wouldn’t look over. The anger was too prominent on his face. My body trembled at his words and I wasn’t sure why. What he did didn’t scare me, but the overall thought of Thomas did. Slade lowered his head. “Could explain why my sister is suddenly being rushed back. Victor wants me out of his life, probably before I discover more.”

  “I have no doubt you’re right.” Jordan turned back to me. “Slade has made an enemy with your father and mine. They’re out for blood, Mary. I don’t want you mixed up in that. You belong with me, away from it all.” He leaned in closer. “The slavery wasn’t my thing. Yes, I helped out setting up the transports from time to time, but the guns were my department and I haven’t really been active in years. To understand any of this, you’d have to know my father, but I suspect yours is a lot similar, so you get what I’m saying about not being able to just say no.”

  The honesty had me lowering my head. I knew better than anyone what he meant. Jordan didn’t have to tell me this, yet he had. “You say you haven’t been active in years. Why were you on the boat if not for the guns? You had to have known.”