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Lure (Marko Delacroix #3) Page 5
Lure (Marko Delacroix #3) Read online
Page 5
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Sayer’s mouth twisted, but he remained still. “I know Hunter came to you. I saw it in Tessa’s eyes. She told him to come and then he left.”
“He didn’t come here. Do you seriously think I’d have anything to do with him? Besides, he knows better. Do you forget I’m going to kill him for what he’s done? For who she chose?”
A laugh filled the space. “You say that now. Good luck getting near him. He’s guarded well.”
I knew about the rosary and dagger, it was his shield against us, and it would work as long as he kept his eyes safe from ours. But that didn’t mean he could withstand a beating or the powers we held. We just wouldn’t be able to touch him physically. Not without risking injury.
“The fact that he’s guarded well doesn’t worry me, Sayer. What do you want? Why are you concerned that he told me something? What would he have to say? Something about you?”
“So many questions. Ones I’ll answer just after you prove to me that he didn’t come here.”
It was my turn to laugh. “You fucking wish.” I turned my back, walking deeper into the cell to collapse down and sit against the wall. I didn’t want him to know what I saw. I didn’t want him to suspect me as a threat at all. “If you’re not going to set me free, leave. I have more important things to do than have a conversation with you.”
“Like what? Continue to scheme over how you’re going to get Tessa back so you can take over? It’s not going to happen, Marko. Tessalyn belongs to me now, as does her pet, and I’m not going to let you kill him. It’s time for you to move on.”
Her pet. Yes, Sayer would see the human that way. So beneath us, just as I used to view the situation—how I still did concerning everyone but him. Hunter was different, I just wasn’t exactly sure why. I hated him. Hated him with a passion. But his arrival to help Tessa had twisted something within me. Maybe it was his love for her. Even though I despised it, I knew he’d try to take care of her—especially when I couldn’t.
“Nothing is set in stone yet, Sayer. Just because you changed her and Julius is going along with your bonding, doesn’t mean it’ll happen. She has to agree, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. She’s a newborn. All she wants right now is food. Not a future.”
“Tessalyn will agree. She’ll have to.”
My chest jumped at my sarcastic laugh. “Why, because you’re going to threaten to use something against her? Sounds right up any of our paths. What will it be, her human? She might still say no.”
“Perhaps,” he said, shrugging. “But once I complete our bond, I don’t see her disagreeing with much of anything I say. Together, our blood will thrive under the marks. She’ll be like putty in my hands. Besides, she and I had a deal. She wanted the change and agreed she’d become my concubine if I did it. There’s no going back on her word. I won’t let her.”
My jaw locked as I held in what I wanted to say. His gloating about bonding her was enough to make my insides boil. The fact that she had become one of us on those terms was a verbal contract she couldn’t break. Not in our world.
“No come back? No threats? What’s wrong, Marko, is your blood thinning within her? Are you losing the love you two once shared? She’s speaking better English, so I’m guessing that’s the case. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her. I’ll love her so good, she won’t be able to get enough.” He walked forward. “How does it feel to know you once had it all and now…nothing? I bet it hurts like hell.”
I flew from the floor, crashing into the bars with every ounce of strength I possessed. My claws were inches short of reaching him and he only laughed harder.
“Do you want to know my plans for your beloved Tessalyn?” He glanced down at my outstretched fingers, taking a step closer, teasing me. “I’m going to make her my own personal whore. She’ll fuck me or whomever I want on command while I watch. And she’s going to love it. Especially at this stage where she runs from instinct.” He licked his lips, reaching up and trailing the tip of his finger over one of my claws. “I think I may just go do that now. I haven’t been with a woman in a while. Perhaps I’ll fuck her while I make her human watch. Hunter will love that. Maybe I’ll even make her suck his cock while I drill her tight, little ass. I can come back and let you enjoy the show after I’m done. If you’d like, of course. I know you must be bored in here all by yourself.”
Had I thought I’d been mad before? My power was blistering my insides as I held his stare. For the first time, I wasn’t worried about him pushing into my mind. I had confidence that he couldn’t. Hunter hinted I was ready. I believed him.
“Un jour, je vais vous déchirer. Je baigne dans le sang pendant que je vous fais souffrir. Le temps est court. Votre mort sera la mien.” Someday, I'm going to rip you apart. I'll bathe in your blood while I make you suffer. The clock is ticking. Your death will be mine.
“God, you make me sick,” Sayer spat out. “Such a coward not to say what you want to my face.”
I let my smile stretch across my mouth. “Coward…no. You shall see.”
The pull of Sayer’s cheek caught my attention. He stepped back, crossing his arms over his chest. “Was that a threat?”
“What reason do I have to threaten you? You’re right, I’m losing Tessa and my bond. It hurts, but I’m okay with that. I may not like you using her as part of your sick game to get back at me, but it is what it is. I have bigger things to worry about right now. I’m starting to find the need for a new slave. One who’s more obedient than she ever was. I’m ready to hit the streets once Julius sets me free.”
“A new slave?” The disbelief was there, but I could also see something resembling relief. “I should have known it was only the bond making you love her. You’re incapable of feeling anything for anyone. Or, portraying loyalty,” he ground out.
“I’m only loyal to myself and my beliefs. As we all are,” I said, raising an eyebrow. “Loyalty, trust, we both know those don’t exist toward others in our world. We prize ourselves above all others. To deny that would make you the biggest liar there is.”
Sayer grew quiet, glancing down at his feet. “You’re right to an extent, but my loyalty is to Axis. Tell me, when you come to lead this city, what will you do? How will you run it? Will extreme mayhem break out under your rule? Massive slaughters because the community will not accept you, or will you change laws and make them bow at your feet the moment you walk into the room?”
My eyes rolled and I went back to lightly gripping the bars. “I will be a great leader. I do not expect anyone to bow to my feet, but they will respect me.”
“Someday, we may see. Then again, maybe not. You still have a long way to go before either of us have to do worry about that. At the rate you’re going, your enemies are piling up.”
“My enemies? You mean you?”
He laughed. “Amongst others. Julius isn’t too happy with you. Or any of the members, really.”
“They fear me. As they should. But I will rule, Sayer. Don’t doubt that.”
His eyes scanned the surrounding as he let out a deep, slow breath. “I’m done talking about this. I have things to do. Tests to put my princess through. Try not to have too much fun in here by yourself.”
Sayer turned and I felt anxiety for Tessa kick in. My brain scrambled for a way to buy her more time.
“If you want to test her, why don’t you put her up against some real competition?”
His steps slowed and he turned to look back at me. “Who? You? I’m not stupid, Marko. You just want her in your clutches again.”
I laughed, letting my evil bleed through. “She owes me some satisfaction for what she’s done. I promise to take it easy on her. Besides, don’t you want to see how she reacts around me? Maybe it’ll help put your mind at ease. I’m ready to move on. Is she?”
“You’re a grain of salt in the back of her mind. She can’t even remember what happened hours before. Trust me, I’m not worried about her
nonexistent feelings for you. You’re the one I don’t trust.”
“What’s there to lose? You’re more powerful than I am. If you don’t like the way things are going, you have an excuse to get what you want. I’m just curious about what my future leader is capable of.”
His head shook. “I thought you were the future leader.”
“I am. I’ll be ready before she will. Or do you know something I don’t?”
Sayer’s mouth broke into a grin. “She might beat you to the punch. We’ll see.”
My fingers gripped tighter. She’d beat me because they weren’t going to allow me to advance. It had my anger flaring more than it already was.
“So, are you bringing her here or not?”
“Not,” Sayer said, continuing to the exit.
“And you said I was the coward. I bet her powers aren’t even that strong.”
Sayer’s body jolted to a stop. Black eyes met mine as he spun around.
“You dare call me a coward? Me, the Black Prince? I could kill with just a whisper of your name. I’m not afraid of you Marko, and I assure you, in a few months, Tessalyn won’t be either. I doubt she’d be right now. Maybe I will bring her here so she can try to kill you. After all, Axis wouldn’t blame her with her status as a newborn.”
“Seems like a logical enough plan to me. But I’m sorry to say, your little shadow doesn’t stand a chance. Probably never will. You have such high hopes for her, but I’m going to watch her fail. And I’m going to laugh right to the throne.”
Red tinted his cheeks before he spun, stomping and disappearing into the tunnel. I laughed, shaking my head as I turned and moved back to the wall. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring her, but it felt good to put him in his place. Other than our assumptions, there was no proof Tessa would be stronger than me. The greed in me prayed I was right. Then I could rule and have her, too.
Chapter 8
I stared at the wall ahead, refusing to look or give my attention to the human sitting on the edge of the bed. He hadn’t stopped talking since Sayer left, but I barely recalled what he’d been saying. All my focus was on trying to figure out how to kill the man who’d made me. I hated him, and although the details of what happened were already fading, I couldn’t let it go. He’d hurt me. Hurt me so badly, my jaw and cheekbone were crushed under the force of his blow. They were all but healed now, but I couldn’t erase the pain of his brutality. It ate at my brain, causing me to scheme on how to make him experience the same kind, just a million times worse.
“I’ll talk to Julius. Maybe if he knew what Sayer did or what he has planned for us, he might protect you, or…” his head shook. “What am I saying? He won’t. No one will. No one but…God, I fucking hate this. We have to leave. We have to figure out how to escape him.”
I knew he was talking more to himself, which was fine. I’d tired of hearing him try to figure out a situation I didn’t want to change. Sure, I wanted Sayer dead, but I wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t fathom why he’d want to. This was my home. My room. I didn’t want to leave it.
“I wonder if he drinks anything? I could poison his drink with holy water. Yes,” he breathed out heavily, “I’ll kill him that way. Or…” Hunter’s head lowered. “I’m on the right track. I’ll have to think this through a bit more so I can get it perfect. I’ll only have one chance.”
I let out a deep sigh, wishing I could turn on my side and go to sleep. I was getting tired. And hungry. I was so fucking desperate for blood.
“Humaine, me nourrir.” Human, feed me.
The mumble of words died off and Hunter’s head lifted. “Feed you? No way. You’ll kill me.”
I continued in French, knowing he somewhat understood what I was saying. “Your life isn’t the one that matters, mine is, and I need to feed.”
Seconds went by and something raced over his features. He pushed from the bed, staring down at me. “You’re so damn cold. I can’t stand it. I sure hope this passes because if it doesn’t….”
I licked my lips, moving my body seductively. I didn’t miss the way his eyebrows pulled in. “Come…here,” I managed in English. “I want you.” My voice practically purred with my accent. Hunter swallowed hard, watching as I arched my hips. I was still unclothed and I hadn’t forgotten how hard he’d been trying not to look at my body. “Come. Lay on me. Donnez-moi votre cou et votre robinet. Je les veux.” Give me your neck and your cock. I want them.
“Fuck, Tessa. I really wish you were in your right mind. I really do.”
My jaw clenched angrily, but I spread my legs, trying my best to entice him. The door swung open, hitting the cement wall hard before Sayer halted.
“Now she wants to fuck. Perfect.” He shut the door and Hunter immediately moved closer to the bed, blocking my view of my maker. My eyes narrowed as it dawned on me—the human was trying to protect me.
“Go sit,” Sayer commanded.
Hunter’s head shook and he grabbed the hilt of his dagger. “What are you going to do with her?”
“I said go!”
Still, Hunter didn’t move.
“Don’t push me, pet. I’ll break you into a million pieces. Don’t believe me, keep stepping up.” Dark fog began to swirl along the top of the ceiling directly over the human and Hunter shifted nervously. “One,” Sayer, hissed, “two.”
A yell came from Hunter’s mouth as his shoulders curled in and he fell to his knees. With a whoosh, his body flew through the air, slamming into the bottom of the couch.
“Stupid human.”
Sayer ripped off his shirt, bringing his black eyes to mine. “Seems your test just got a lot harder. But you’re going to excel. You’re going to kill and I’m going to assure you’re in the perfect mindset to do just that.”
I bared my fangs, digging the heels of my feet into the mattress as I pushed myself higher on the bed.
“Oh, yeah. You know what’s coming, don’t you?”
His evil laugh filled the room and I jerked at the cuffs. No matter how hard I pulled, they didn’t budge or set me free.
A loud roar filled the room and just before Hunter made it to Sayer, he hit an invisible wall, crumbling to the floor from the force. The dagger fell from his hand while he sucked in air. But he didn’t stop. He rose, grabbing the weapon and slamming it into the wall wildly.
“Your pet may be a problem, Princess. Luckily, I know just how to handle him. Have you ever seen a broken slave? Oh, it’s so fun to get them to that point. Hunter’s going to be such an obedient fuck by the time I finish. And I mean that in every sense of the word.”
Sayer’s pants fell to the floor and I took in his hard cock. “Reste loin de moi.” Stay away from me.
“English! Goddammit, how many times do I have to tell you?” He flew forward, grasping my ankle and jerking me down. Both of my legs kicked out at him, over and over, trying to get his body further away from mine. It didn’t work. Sayer forced himself between my thighs, prying them apart with his palms as he positioned himself above me. My head lifted, but my fangs were useless when I couldn’t reach him.
“Get off me. Get off!”
The continued French only made him angrier, but I couldn’t think to try to speak English. The back of his hand connected with my cheek like an explosion and I gasped, trying to catch my breath from the shock of my bones shattering once more. Stars danced in front of my eyes, only for the next hit to come almost immediately. The room wavered and sound dissipated for the briefest moment. I could still feel my arms moving, still trying to defend myself.
Pressure pushed against the opening of my pussy and my hips tried to pivot, but the death grip he had on one of them prevented me from moving. Hunter’s yelling in the background swirled and mingled with my heartbeat and the nausea turning my stomach. More, the force pushed into me, and I screamed as Sayer tore into me completely. I gagged, too paralyzed by the brutal invasion to yell anymore. His hand turned my head and he applied enough weight to hold me sti
ll while he lowered his lips just above my ear.
“You’re going to kill Marko Delacroix.” He withdrew, plunging into me harder. “You’re going to kill him because if you don’t, I will do this to you every day you continue to live. Do you hear me?” Faster, he went, moaning as he repeatedly pounded into me. Bile burned my throat and I gagged again, trying to block out his threat.
“God, you feel good, Princess. Maybe this isn’t so bad after all. And I have your pet when I bore of you.”
My eyes opened, connecting with Hunter’s blurry face. I could barely see it past the tears blinding me. The look of horror and pain couldn’t be masked. I saw it and it burned into my memory like a blowtorch, lighting the fire back within me. My hips bucked and my whole body thrashed beneath him. It wasn’t enough to remove him, but it did make it harder for him to enjoy himself, and somehow, that was a small victory of its own.
“That’s right, fight me. Show me what you’re going to do to Marko. Let your vampire free. Let it rule you, Tessalyn!”
Hands continuously tried to pry down my face, but by some chance, I managed to slide free. My jaw snapped repeated in his direction and I caught the side of his palm, shredding it open as he jerked it away.
“Almost there, sweets. Keep fighting. Keep…” A loud moan tore from his throat and warmth shot deep inside me, causing another type of fire. The amount of stinging was enough to have me crying out from the pain. I knew he’d torn me to hell and back. I was bleeding, I could smell it, along with his cum. The two scents made a stench I couldn’t stomach. I heaved, screaming at the top of my lungs the moment I caught my breath. If it was from the pain or the pure rage sweeping through every inch of my body, I wasn’t sure. I was losing it. Maybe I already had. My eyes darted around in jerky movements and my heart was slamming into my chest.
“I’m going…to kill…you,” I managed in my broken English. “Kill you,” I said more steadily. “You’re dead.”
“Good luck with that.” Sayer pushed from the bed, pulling his cock to each side, examining it. Crimson covered his shaft and balls. The smile that appeared only dragged me further under. As he disappeared into the closet and then the bathroom, I couldn’t take my eyes off the door guarding him. Slowly, my lips separated and I stared before me, watching the black smoke pour from my mouth. The long trail hit the ceiling, billowing out and crawling along the walls. Thoughts faded as the room darkened and disappeared completely. The amount surrounding me was so thick, like a blanket comforting me and keeping me safe. I heard the door shut and a laugh broke through the smoky surroundings.