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Page 7
“She’ll be fine with me. She’s strong.”
He cleared his throat. “Don’t you think maybe she’s been strong long enough? Maybe she needs to break down, to fall apart so she can be built back up. Agent, don’t do something you’ll regret. Don’t hurt her because you feel she hurt you. Nothing good will come out of that. I know who you are and your brother wouldn’t want that.”
My eyes flew open. “You know nothing of my brother. Don’t ever tell me what he’d want. He’s dead because of her.” I sat up and threw the car in reverse. “I’ll pick up her ID on my way out.” I hung up the phone, pissed that he knew who I was. My family life was no one’s business and since I’d run into Elle, now two agents knew my identity.
The traffic was horrible and I hit the secret number that led me back to headquarters. The phone was answered but remained silent. “Sullivan. I’m compromised. I’m out.” I hung up, not elaborating. If they needed me, it wouldn’t be hard to locate where I was going to be staying. They had the address on file.
My phone rang almost immediately.
“Fallston,” I said, answering.
“You’re late,” Blondie said on the other end.
A smile came to my face. “Does that mean you’ve got my back? What’s the deal?
“No, I couldn’t get it, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to help you. The faster you’re out of the way, the quicker we can get back to him.”
The engine accelerated as he continued. “There’s a convenience store as you leave the city. It’s the only one, you shouldn’t miss it. You’re going to park there and ride with me. I’ll get you in. While I’m distracting him, you’re going to find a way in to get the girl. That’s my plan so far and we can discuss the rest when I meet you.”
I glanced toward the backseat. This car had to be equipped with some gear. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes. I owe you one.” I hung up, tossing the phone in the cup holder. This was perfect. I’d get Elle, and she could give him the information on our way out. In a few hours, I’d have her secure under my roof. Mine…
Chapter 6
The room swayed and I couldn’t stop the moan that fell from my lips. Colors from the television blurred together and came back into focus before me. The couple was hugging each other, kissing, and so in love. A blissful sigh left my lips as I got lost in the movie Marco had put on.
I was so sure the beating of my life had been on the horizon, but I’d gotten the opposite. The man I’d grown to hate was trying to woo me. He’d been tender, holding me, offering me popcorn and candy. Years ago, he’d tried this, but I hadn’t budged or given into his trying to bring me around. Yet, I found myself unable to control anything I’d done after he’d handed me a drink that was supposed to take away the pain. It had, and so much more. I felt happy for the first time in as long as I could remember, not caring that his arm was around me.
“You like what we’re doing?” His hand stroked my hair and he pulled me in closer. I look up, feeling a twinge of distaste at the sight of his handsome face, but it quickly faded away as the tingle took over again.
“I think I do,” I whispered. My eyes felt heavy and I blinked them hard. “Am I drunk?” I’d never had liquor before. Sure, champagne here and there at one of his parties, but never enough to make me feel this way.
I was lowered to my back as he loomed above me. His mouth twisted and a look of sadness passed over his features. “Yes. But I wanted you to love me on your own. Not like this. You really don’t feel anything for me, do you?”
My smile faded and I didn’t like the way the vibrations made my legs scissor under the sheets. “You kidnapped me. Rape me. Always beat me. You…killed Carson.”
Marco’s face turned to stone, his lips tightening as his gaze rose to the far wall. “Haven’t I given you everything a woman could want? Look where you live. What you wear. Killing him was a necessity. The rape and beatings,” he looked back down. “You bring that on yourself. If you’d just give into me. Love me.” The way his lip curled back, I knew it was about to get bad, but for some reason I felt no fear. All my attention was on my humming body.
“I…” My legs pressed tighter together and I cried out as my sex drew up. Wetness was coating the insides of my thighs and I bit my lip as I tried to clear my foggy mind. I didn’t want to feel this way. Not with Marco.
“What’s the matter, mi amour?” The anger melted and he eased the covers down, exposing my breasts. I grabbed the blanket, trying to bring it back up, but he jerked it down to my waist. As I tried to sit up, I realized how heavy my body felt.
“I don’t want to do this,” I breathed out.
“Yes, you do. Or, at least, you will shortly.
“No,” I swung my fist, noticing how it didn’t have anywhere near the impact that it usually did. “I’m not drunk…” The room swayed and I tried to roll over to crawl off the bed. Marco’s weight covered me and I screamed and moaned at the same time. He reached over, grabbing the glass of liquor he’d given me before.
“Even drugged you fight me. Not anymore. You’re going to drink. You’re going to consume the entire fucking bottle if that’s what it’s going to take to make you love me.”
He pulled me to a sitting position, his fingers gripping into the back of my hair. With a jerk, he angled my face up. “Open your fucking mouth.”
Before I could even think, I spit in his face. The hand in my hair released and came around to connect hard with my cheek.
“You fucking bitch. Open your mouth!”
When I refused, I was pushed back down to the mattress and the drink poured slowly over my closed lips. With his hand pressed into my forehead, holding my face immobile, I felt the burning liquid ease into my nose. My mouth flew open as I gasped for air and started coughing.
“That’ll teach you.” He poured a large amount into my mouth even as I gagged. The liquor burned down my throat as I sucked it down, gasping for air. And it didn’t stop. When the glass ran out, he grabbed the bottle. What felt like an eternity went by and still he was managing to get more and more down. My body felt so heavy, I couldn’t even move.
“I…want….” The room rippled around me, shadows moving around the dark parts. I blinked, silenced by fear. “I want…” The cross above me leaned forward, as if it were going to fall and I saw the man nailed to its eyes began to glow as he bared his fangs. A scream left me and felt like it raked down my skin as it did.
“You’re scared. Let me help you forget all of that. I’ll make you feel better, mi amour.”
Marco blurred before me and I screamed even more. The tightening in my core had me spreading my legs and my hand reaching down. I needed something. I needed…
Movement had my head looking off to the side. Deep in the shadows of the opened balcony, I saw him. Gaige. Yes. My body had burned for him when he’d given me that look at the table.
I opened my mouth and saw his finger come up, signaling for me to be quiet. All I could do was moan again as Marco’s hand slipped between my legs. I tried to clamp them shut, but for the life of me they weren’t obeying what I wanted.
“You’re so wet. Fuck.” His finger pushed inside of me and I shook my head, crying out. As another joined, I tried not to gag against my body’s lack of control. “I’m going to make you come so good. You’re going to be begging me for more.” Again, my head shook. A knock on the door had him covering me up. “What!”
“There’s a Mr. Miller here for you, sir.” It was spoken in Spanish, but I didn’t realize it at first.
“Mr. Miller?” Marco stood from the bed and looked toward me. A laugh filled the room. “You aren’t going anywhere. You’ll be primed and ready to go by the time I get back.” He turned toward the door. “Tell him I’ll be right down.” He walked to the closet, pulling it open. “Maybe he changed his mind and is going to offer more than Fallston. Speaking of which…” he looked down at his watch,” he should be here any time. Maybe they can debate it out. That
might be fun.”
I ignored him as my hand moved back between my legs. Desperation had my whole body on fire and I yelled out in frustration as Marco grabbed my wrist and secured it to the headboard. Within seconds, he had the other one done too.
“Can’t have you coming without me now, can I?”
“God, I fucking hate you.” I pulled my arms. “I hate you,” I screamed. “Let me go.”
A wad of fabric was stuffed in my mouth and he secured it with a silk tie. “No more screaming. You pull the same shit you did earlier, you’ll be dead by morning. I’ve had enough of you.”
My face turned toward the balcony. Gaige was long gone. As I flopped my head back to look where Marco was leaving the room, I felt the walls shift. I knew the crazy effects were about to happen again and I braced myself as the tingling raced all the way to my clit. My legs drew up toward my stomach and tiny spasms had me breathing in heavily through my nose.
The ceiling rolled above and I barely even noticed as I worked my thighs back and forth. Pleasure exploded with each shift and I made sounds to reflect the ecstasy I felt. Color blurring past me had my head coming up.
“We’re going, Elle. Just hold on.”
“Gaige?” Even though I’d said it, all it sounded like was a muffled jumble. My arms tried to move in his direction. All I wanted to do was wrap around him and kiss away to my heart’s content. The realization only had guilt hitting me for a second before the drug swept it away.
A dress swung through the air as he spun around and came over. He worked the buckles faster than I could even process and I was suddenly free. The way his eyes raked down my naked body made the wetness from my pussy flourish even more. But there was no passion behind his stare. Something more. Something resembling loathing, that I knew he wanted to hurt me. And yet, fuck me. My hand came to my mouth to take off the gag but he stopped me.
“Not yet. You’re not in control of yourself. I don’t trust you to be quiet. Here.” He lifted me to sit up, slipping the white sundress over my head and yanking it down. I was thrown over his shoulder just as fast.
The darkness engulfed us as we stepped out onto the balcony. Bright colors zigzagged around me and I followed them, not trusting that one wouldn’t touch me. Gaige slid me down a little until I was straddling his waist. “Lock your thighs around me as I climb down from this wall. Use your arms to hold on the most. Your legs are going to be pretty useless. Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
I could barely see his intense blue eyes even though we were only inches from each other. It took everything I had to try to focus enough to listen. My body was so alive I felt myself grind against him.
“Jesus,” he groaned, his fingers pushing in tighter as he leaned over, grabbing the rope. My eyes closed as he stepped onto the ledge and flexed his biceps into my sides. Pain flared and I groaned, the feeing sobering me for the briefest moment. We began to move downward and colors took over even as I was shut off to the real world. Heat rushed down my limbs and I moved my pussy against him, again. If I didn’t get more contact soon, I would scream, literally.
Gravity pulled me down and I could feel my arms giving out. A sound came from my mouth and I tried to make my legs work. Just as I thought I was going to fall, I felt a jolt and we landed almost silently to the ground. With a jerk, the rope came tumbling down and Gaige set me on my feet as he wrapped it up at the speed of light. It blurred and I stared in fascination.
“Okay, I’m going to carry you to the car. We’re going to hide in the back until our ride takes off. Not a peep out of you.” The threat was real, only reminding me of his look from the bedroom.
I was picked up again and he was running, crouched low through the shadows of the yard. A silver car came into view and he eased the back door open, tossing me to the floor board. The interior was just as dark and there was a lot more room than I expected. Gaige crawled onto the backseat and eased the door shut.
“Please.” The almost silent plea had his hand clamping over the gag. The short ends of his nails raked against my skin as he moved more toward my lips.
“Shh. I know it’s going to be hard. Especially with as much as that bastard gave you, but I need you to try to be quiet.”
Another sound came out against my will and my body jolted at the pleasure that exploded throughout. I grasped his hand, holding on tight, wanting more than anything to move it between my legs. Tears streamed down my face and I couldn’t stop my own hand from settling in between my thighs. My head shook back and forth, knowing I should be mortified.
“No, no. Stop crying. I was where you were last night. I know what you’re going through. It’s okay.” He lowered until he was lying on the seat, his face not inches away. “You’re going to have a long night. Hell, maybe even tomorrow too.” The way his lips tightened made the anger even more apparent.
“I need you to listen to me good. We’re going to be doing a lot of traveling. You have to try to control yourself as much as possible. You got that?”
Even as I nodded, I felt myself getting even closer to release. My fingers pushed down over my slit, the tip of one sliding into my entrance.
Slowly, the gag was pulled down and he took the cloth from my mouth. I breathed in deep. “I can’t stop,” I whispered. “I need…”
“Shh. I know, but you have to try.” Even as he said it, his finger rubbed over my bottom lip. The spasms hit me hard and I cried out, my mouth immediately covered by his palm. I was shaking everywhere and the interior of the car began to fade out and yet brighten at the same time. Something in his words should have calmed me. But I knew the truth. Knew he was pretending to be nice when all he really wanted to do was make me suffer.
“You want me.” Gaige’s voice echoed through and I blinked a few times wondering if he’d really spoken. The hum was still present, but not as powerful. “Just say it, Elle. Tell me what I want to hear.”
“I do,” I whispered against his fingers. It sounded strangled and full of guilt even to my own ears.
“You do, what?” His eyes narrowed, his face more clear now that my vision was different.
“I want you. I do.” More tears slid down and I turned my head toward the front of the car.
Gaige’s breathing deepened and I could swear I felt it over my neck. “You don’t mean that, Elle. It’s the drink. You’re drugged right now.” He may have said the words, but he didn’t sound convinced.
A sob came out and I turned back to him. “I loved Carson.” The tears blinded me and I wiped them away. “But I can’t remember what he looks like. God, I’m such a horrible person. When you looked at me at the table. I wanted you, regardless how I know you’d treat me. How wrong is that?”
“No more talking. You’re getting too loud.”
I took a deep breath, every one pushing the crying away, only to be replaced by that all too familiar sensation. I groaned, rolling toward the front even more.
“It coming back?”
“How many times is this going to happen?” My hand was already between my legs and I closed my eyes against the distorting seats.
“A lot.” Fingertips brushed down my neck and I looked back, noticing his hand was up by his face. Had I imagined that too? Just say the words. Tell me what you want.
I kept silent, not at all trusting what I was hearing. He hadn’t seemed to understand the last time I began talking. Maybe this drug was just making me hear what I wanted to.
Come on, you know you want to say it. You want me to get you off. You want my cock, don’t you?
“God.” I moved my hand to grip my thigh, trying my best to delay what I knew was going to happen again. I rolled to my back, my legs spreading as I arched.
“Fuck,” Gaige reached over, slapping the inside of my thigh hard before pulling down my dress to fit back over my knees. “You better keep those closed as much as you can. You have no idea what you’re begging for. Focus, Elle.”
The sound of a door had my eyes flying open. Weight was suddenly on top
of me, and Gaige fit perfectly right between my thighs. A black curtain floated down in slow motion and I watched it grow pitch black as it covered us.
“You back there?” The car started and I felt us begin moving.
“Yep. Got her. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Hardness pushed into my pussy as we hit a bump and I clutched my fingers into Gaige’s back, moaning as I realized his cock was hard. My body seemed to go into overdrive and every small amount I moved had the friction of his jeans doing all of the work.
“You have to stop,” he breathed out.
“What is it,” the stranger asked.
“She’s drugged. Hurry up and get us past the gate so I can get up.”
I dug my fingers deeper, so close to having another orgasm. “You want me,” I whispered into his ear. “You can try to pretend all you want, but I feel you. You want me, too.”
His hand clamped over my mouth, pushing into my cheeks, painfully. Something about the force had me even hotter. “What did I fucking tell you?”
The moment his hand moved, I pushed my mouth into his, beyond being able to control myself. Gaige froze, he didn’t move or even kiss me back as I nibbled on his lip.
“Almost there,” the man driving said under his breath.
“Hurry, God dammit,” he gritted out.
I moved down, sucking against his neck while tearing at the back of his shirt. Another bump had his hard cock pushing into me again and I nearly screamed as the orgasm tore its way through me.
The car began to slow and it paused before it turned another direction and took off fast.
“We’re clear.”
Gaige’s fingers buried in my hair, his teeth sinking into my shoulder before he pushed up, practically jumping to the front. For a second, I couldn’t move. Couldn’t even think past the action or pain to yell out.