Dom Fever (Devlin Black #2) Read online

Page 9

  “Ah. Thanks.” The elevator stopped on the second floor and I waited as Rita walked on and the doors shut behind her. I could have groaned.

  “Morning, Victoria. You’re looking better than yesterday.”

  My eyes flashed over and the man tilted his head, smiling even more.

  “How’s the baby today? Giving you hell with that dreaded morning sick—”

  “Fine,” I rushed in. I’m doing great.”

  The doors opened and I rushed out.

  “Wait, Ms. Farris please. Just a few questions.”

  “No,” I said, continuing on. He quickly made it to my side.

  “Can you tell me how you feel about being the one Devlin Black chose for his contract? Have you signed it yet?”

  I glanced over wanting to scream. Everyone was on pins and needles wanting to know if I signed the damned contract. That’s what all the buzz was about. The big, bad, rich Dom and his forever sub and wife.

  “No,” I answered, rounding the corner.

  “But you’re pregnant by him, correct? There’s rumors the two of you already share a child. One he only recently found out about. Is that true?”

  “No comment,” I snapped. “Next time I see you in here, I’m calling security.”

  Bile burned the back of my throat and I knew I didn’t have long. I was going to be sick. Again. Fuck. I couldn’t do this.

  My fingers shook as I pushed in the code, the dizziness growing worse by the second. It was always bad in the early hours. By lunch, it would fade, but only by a little.

  Rita caught up just as I swung the door open and rushed to the back. The small restroom was unoccupied and I barely shut myself in before the water I’d drank on the way here came right back up. Knocking had me lifting my head, but I felt so weak I could barely call out.

  “Be right there.”

  I flushed, pulling out my extra toothbrush and travel sized toothpaste that had taken a permanent home in my purse. Even cleaning my mouth and tongue was a fight to not get sick.

  Cold water splashed against my face and I patted it dry before walking out. Lorraine’s head shook as she stared over at me.

  “You need to take a trip downstairs, honey. You look horrible.”

  I laughed under my breath. “I’d like to skip the ER, thanks.”

  “They make pills for what you’ve got, you know. It’ll help with the vomiting.”

  “My doctor’s appointment is scheduled for Friday. I’ll have them prescribe me some then. Just a few more days.” I tried to smile, but didn’t really feel up to it. All I wanted to do was go back to bed. Sleep until this part passed.

  Lorraine picked up my purse from the table I was about to sit at and handed it to me. “Go home. You’re not fit to be here today. Come back on Monday when your pills have kicked in.”

  Tears threatened, but she was right. It was too dangerous for the babies.

  I threw my arms around her, trying not to breath in her sweet perfume. “Thank you. I’ll be better then.”

  “You want me to call Devlin to pick you up?”

  We broke away from each other and I wanted to roll my eyes. “No, that’s okay. I drove.”

  “His car?”

  “No,” I rushed in. “You couldn’t pay me to cruise that thing around. I’d be scared of someone hitting me or scratching it. I think I’d have a heart attack if that happened.”

  She laughed. “No joke. That fancy sports car would always have me on edge.” She paused. “So, if you’re not in his, what are you driving? Your mom’s?”

  My head shook while my stomach turned again. Just the thought of how the last few days had played out shot my nerves through the roof. “Devlin doesn’t want me taking public transportation anymore. He says it’s too dangerous. I argued, but it was no use. He bought an SUV and calls it the family car. Anyway, he says it’s mine for work and our car for when we all go somewhere.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Lorraine said, sincerely. “You really do need something like that. It’ll be more convenient to travel with Ava. Does Devlin’s car even have a backseat?”

  I laughed. “Yes, but I can’t imagine trying to get one carseat back there, let alone two. But you’re right. It did have to happen. I just would’ve liked to have been the one to buy and pick out the damn thing.”

  “Well, be careful driving. If you think you’re going to be sick, pull over. Don’t risk trying to make it home.”

  “I will.” I smiled, waving as I headed for the door. “Call me if you’re shorthanded.”

  “We both know I won’t. Now go home and take care of yourself.”

  And, here I was, leaving work once again. It had been a few shifts since the last time, but I still felt guilty. For so long I’d depended on having to come in so I could pay the bills and support Ava. Now…everything was different. Devlin kept dropping hints about me not having to work and about how our daughter would be so happy if I was home a lot more. It wasn’t that I thought he didn’t want me to work. He just looked in a constant state of alarm any time we left the house. He was always so antsy that I was left wondering if it was from the women who flocked around him on a constant basis, or if there was something more.

  The coast was clear from reporters as I made my way to the expensive SUV. While I began to drive home, I couldn’t stop all the questions. Overall, I knew I was happier than I could ever remember being. But there were small moments where suspicions arose, putting a damper on what I knew we were capable of. And I didn’t like it. Surely with time things would get better? The women would find interest in something else and Devlin would relax. At least, that’s what I was hoping.

  Cramping made the worries fade and I shifted in the seat. For the last two days, I’d been hit with random pains. Some were shooting, others felt like I was about to start my cycle. I’d been told it was normal, but it still made me worry. Every little change in my body, I made note of. I’d tried to take it easy with resting as much as I could, but between working and getting sick nonstop, I felt more tired and worn out than ever.

  The light was green and I turned, heading toward the house. I grimaced in pain as it increased. It had to be from getting sick. My muscles had definitely been put to use. Maybe I pulled one of them or…hell, I didn’t know. The sooner I got into bed and rested, the better it would be.

  As I rounded the turn, I slowed, seeing Devlin in the front yard. Ava was on his hip and she was crying. My attention stopped on a woman. From the looks of it, she and Devlin were in a heated discussion and he kept stepping back toward the house. My pulse stopped, only to start hammering in my chest. He turned, glancing in my direction, only to do a double take. The pure horror that had his mouth parting left my chest feeling as thought it was being split open. Why was he so afraid? Who was she? Did I even have to ask? I’d seen that look before. At the hospital when he’d been faced with the blonde. But there was something different about this one...more fear involved.

  A red sedan was parked in front of my house and I took it in as I pulled into the driveway. Dread, nausea, and pain left me moving slowly. I shut the door and came around the back to see them both staring at me. The shaking that wracked my body as I approached was so intense, I was sure my legs were going to give out.

  “You’re home early.” He bounced Ava as her crying quieted.

  “Lorraine told me I wasn’t fit to work. Devlin?” I stared between them. The woman was beautiful. Skinnier than me, but curvy, just the same. Her long, dark hair was straightened and reached down past her breasts. The jeans hugged to her hips and she wore a white shirt. Although she appeared uncomfortable, the anger was still present.

  “Justine was just leaving,” he bit out.

  “But why is she here? You were both arguing when I pulled up.”

  She shifted and I turned to her, hoping she’d at least clue me in since Devlin wasn’t talking.

  “I only came to see you. I feel there’s something you deserve to know.” She glared at him. “I’ve been a
dvised to keep my mouth shut and leave you alone, but I think it’s important.”

  Devlin breathed out deeply. “You and I weren’t together, Victoria.”

  “By a few hours,” Justine snapped. She turned back to me and my hand came to my stomach, trying to calm the cramping and perhaps protect not only me, but the baby from what I feared was coming.

  “You and her? When? The night you came to me?”

  His arm tightened around Ava, but I couldn’t stop the anger that was creeping into my questions.

  “I didn’t sleep with her. Didn’t even touch her.”

  “I was naked with my legs spread open for you to see everything. He made me play with myself. Get off to moaning, Sir. That was after he marked my body up with bruises and welts from every fucking toy imaginable.” She turned to him. “Do you think I let just anyone hurt me? I trusted you.” She looked down at her phone and shoved it in my face, a picture of her back and ass on display from what was clearly her reflection. The red whelps had bruising blossoming beneath some of them and I could see the long lines from a flogger.

  I stepped back, the heel of my shoe catching the edge of the driveway as I landed hard on my ass just shy of Devlin’s car. My hands locked from the pain, but I somehow managed to get back to my feet.

  “Give me that!” Devlin yelled, lunging for it. But she jumped back and he didn’t try again as he adjusted Ava. “Are you okay?” He came rushing toward me, but I moved, glaring at him. It was enough to stop him in his path. The trees swayed and it wasn’t from the wind. I tried to slow my breathing. Tried to erase what I’d just seen. God, there were so many marks. Like I had had the first time. But hers were worse. So much more so that it made me jealous that he’d give more of himself to her than he had with me.

  I blinked repeatedly, tears stinging my eyes. The image wouldn’t disappear and I couldn’t stop the blade that pierced my heart or my stomach.

  “Thank you for letting me know,” I managed.

  God, I was going to be sick. True, he’d said he never slept with anyone since we’d discovered each other again, but I had also thought that meant anything sexual. How could I have been so stupid? He led me on intentionally. Made me believe that he wasn’t the man he had been before. But he was. Just one that kept his dick securely behind his zipper.

  “Let me have her.” I reached for Ava, but he stepped back. Pains almost brought me to my knees and I stopped. I wouldn’t make a scene in front of this woman. “Bring her inside for me so you can finish up out here. I have to go lie down.”

  “I’m done. Now that Justine’s got this confession off her chest, maybe she’ll leave us the hell alone.” He didn’t even look at her as he wheeled around and headed for the door. I followed, the woman already walking off. Each step was torture, but I managed to make it inside and to the sofa. Ava was on the floor, already going after her ball.

  “I was going to tell you,” he rushed in. “I swear I was.”

  I almost laughed at how gullible I had been. “Sure you were, Devlin. When? After I signed your stupid contract? God, I can’t believe I let myself believe you.”

  “I was. I just couldn’t find the right time. I’d start to, but…” He came to kneel before me and I jerked my hands away as he tried to grab them. “I love you, Victoria. I swear I do. I never fucked those women and Justine was the only one I had undress. I promise you. Daniel had been here and I was upset and aggravated that I couldn’t have you. I was stupid. God, I just wanted it to be you.”

  He could say whatever he wanted. I knew what we had was over. The short amount of happiness I’d been granted would kill me in the months to come—years, maybe—but I’d get through it. I always did.

  As I breathed through the round of stabbing pains, I knew what had to be done.

  “You need to pack your stuff and leave.”

  “No.” His head shook, his brow creasing. I could see the hurt and it was enough to give me pause.

  “This is over, Devlin. For good. You should have been honest with me from the beginning, but you weren’t. You lied to me.”

  His hands gripped my hips, trying to bring me closer into him, but I pushed back. If he tried to hold me, I’d break down completely. Tears were already blinding me.

  “Kitten, please. I swear. I want us to work.”

  “Don’t call me that!” The fight within exploded and my legs kicked at him as I fought to get away. His hands were all over me, but never roughly. More, trying to pull my body into his. To restrain me against what I was best at—running.

  “Wait,” he breathed out.

  “No, get off! I don’t want you touching me. You lied to me. I knew you hadn’t changed. Get out of my house. From now on, I want you to stay away.” I wiggled more, finally managing to get both of my feet on the ground. If he would move, I could stand from the sofa and go to my room. I needed rest. To lie down and be alone. I felt sick, dizzy, and hurt by his deceit.

  “I said, be still, dammit.” His tone was different. Almost fearful, yet urgent. It was enough to make me stop.

  Slowly, he spread my legs and I saw his eyes widen. There was sadness within his features, but something so much more. Devastation? I couldn’t read it. Couldn’t begin to even know what he was thinking.

  My head lowered and I looked down at the light pink scrub pants, but I somehow already knew. Blood was stained against the inner most part between my thighs. I felt the room sway as I tried to force him out of the way.

  “Move.” I sounded a lot calmer than I felt. Every fear I had was on the forefront and I was drowning in them. Being slowly taken to the dark abyss that I’d once loved to be a part of right before I fell asleep. The place where I always saw Devlin. Dots spotted my vision, but I fought to hold on.

  “What does this mean?” Reluctantly, he gave me space, allowing me to stand.

  I moved back, glaring as our eyes connected. I wanted him to hurt. To tear him apart like he’d done to me on more times that I could take. How, after being with her, could he come to my bed and pour his heart out? Promising me things that he knew were nothing but lies? I didn’t understand it. Couldn’t fathom how easily it had been for him to use her if what he confessed to me was true. In the moment, I hated him. Hated how he could hurt not only me, but Ava. She’d gotten attached. Woke up every morning calling out, da da. Now she wouldn’t have that. Wouldn’t have him around like she enjoyed.

  “What do you think this means, Devlin? I’m losing the baby.” Tears escaped at the reality. I wanted this child. Wanted the dream of the happy family he had tempted me with. That I had let myself accept. Now, it was disappearing. Being taken from me by the second. “I’m losing it and it’s all your fault!” Even as the instant regret sank in, I still couldn’t stop from lashing out. It wasn’t enough to see his pain. He had to experience more. Feel what I was going through. “From this day on out, you’re going to stay away. You’re not going to call. You’re not going to come by. You’re going to wait for the papers my lawyer draws up and you’re going to comply with them.”

  He shook his head and I fought not to double over. Again, the room began to fade, but I continued.

  “When you came to my bed, you deliberately withheld what you did. You knew how I would feel about you falling back into your old ways, so what did you do? You lied. You broke your promise not to hurt me. Now I have the power. I control what happens, and I’m telling you to disappear until I’m forced to see you. Any other time, I don’t even want to know that you exist.”

  I started for the room, ready to change and head back to the hospital. Alone, with Ava.

  “You don’t mean that,” Devlin said, following behind. “You’re hurt. You’re searching for an excuse. Don’t let this be it. Yes, I hid the truth about how far I went with her, but I never once lied when I said what I wanted for us.”

  Pressure latched onto my arm and I felt him turning me around. The room blurred and I reached out into nothingness. The white walls were waning and I could feel myself
going down. Like lightening, pain branched across my stomach and then…darkness.

  To be continued…

  About the Author

  Alaska is an erotic BDSM author who also goes by the pen names Jennifer Salaiz and Jenny May. She lives in the SF Bay area...for now. She's a dreamer, and longs for the day when her husband and kids can load up in the car and drive until their hearts’ content. Adventure and discovering new places play a huge role in Alaska's life. It drives her, and feeds the creativity of coming up with new locations for her stories.

  Within the last two years, Alaska and her family have drove across the country twice, and also drove the distance from Texas to California three times. Asked, if she could choose one place to permanently settle down, where it would be, Alaska laughed. "Montana, today. Tomorrow, it may be Alaska, again. I go back and forth."

  When Alaska’s not dreaming of spontaneously hitting the road to find a new place to write about, she's being a mother and wife. If you're looking to connect with her to learn more, feel free to email her at [email protected], or find her on Facebook. You can also stop by her website

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